When you sow a seed into this Ministry, you become a vital part of this ministry and our mandate! We believe in the power of God to change individual lives and transform territories. We travel the nations prophesying to cities, nations, and continents to change atmospheres and spark Revival. We need an army of people who will stand with us in prayer, in sowing and praying for the nations.
We trust that you will be sensitive to what the Spirit leads you to give, and we want you to know that we greatly appreciate any amount that you bless us with! We pray a blessing of increase over you and your territory, and trust that God richly blesses you as you pursue His purposes!
If you want to support our work, you can do it today through donations. The Lord is giving us fruit for our labors in this great season. Thank you for your support and prayers.
This is NOT a non-profit ministry headquartered in Spain. All gifts are not tax-deductible.